Wednesday, May 25, 2005

funny thought....

ha ha was thinking about the idea of wearing nothing but my funky hat to collect the mail and was reiminded of a very embaressing event that I was not going to blog about cause it really is embaressing...but then again what the hey!

Last time my housemate was away visiting miss Em, I had the computer in the living room and was talking to winnie online and dacing round the house in my underwear...having just got out of the shower and had not finished dressing...I was wearing just my knickers with my back to the windows when wome sixth sense made me turn around.....and yes...I had forgotten to close the blinds, all of the windows were wide ope displaying my underwear dancing to the large group of young men who were waiting for thier friend in the nieghbours front yard...yes they were all staring at me....I think the people three streets away could have heard me blush...and yet did I race from the room to dress....Oh no not me I turned around again and typed the mis-adventure winnie before exiting the room casually trying to pretend that not only did I not care that they had seen me but that underwear dancing was something all the cool kids were doing....a facade perhaps assisted by the fact that written in huge letters across the back of my underwear was "WHATEVER"......hmmm took me a while to leave the house again!

abode begone

Thats it I knew it could not last, I now have to move...I can no longer stay in this lovely house in its perfect location....unfortunetly the door knocking people of a certain religion have found me...and whats more they know my name and will not stop visiting...twice now I have said I am not interested and too busy but oh no apparently this means please visit me as often as you like.
It is all because I just can not be rude to people when they turn up at my door, no matter what they are selling, vacumes or god I will smile at them, listen to thier speal, and even ..yes...even take the pamphlets...I also explain to them very politely but firmly that I am not intersted in said vacume or god no matter how many free dustbins it comes with....its not that I dont believe in a god I just dont feel the need to argue samantics with a stranger on my doorstep.....The latest visit I allowed myself to argue with them in an attempt to drive home the point but this however just encourages them to view me as a challenging oppurtunity for conversion!!!!!!
Finaly when they were leaving they said they would come back and I tried again..."Look" I sadi politely "I really am not interested and do not have time to see you again"
"Oh" they reply sweetly "Well we will just pop in when we are in the area then and we can alk about prophecies"
"What???? No" I say "I really dont have the time and am not intersted"
"Yes we will just swing by when we are passing take care now, look forward to seeing you next time"
and they left...I mean what how oh lord. Now i have decided the easiest way to cope with this intrusion is simply to move house as soon as possible.............damb it I really like it here too!


snigger snigger hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee ahem yes well anyway enough of that..

kiss kiss W

Funky hats and fluffly slippers

I got a funky hat... yes thats right...I GOT A VERY FUNKY HAT.....THANKYOU to my beatiful gorgeous funky hat finding sister my dear are fantastic!!!!!!!!!!! in other words...yep I got the hat and I love it ......I wear it alot, in fact I have rarely taken it off! - it is a perfect match for my bright thermals and fluffy slippers....also looks good with my I love nerds shirt and Dr scarf!!!!!! And lets face it the hat is so funky it looks good on its tempted to wear it and nothing else next time i collect the mail....except i'll prob freeze to death!


Saturday, May 21, 2005

Hicups and Hoorays

WOW thank you everybody for a wonderful birthday....I had so much fun, in fact I think I had more fun here than I would have if i'd been at home! I was so glad you all came along and drank and ate with me...while the food left a bit to be desired the company was fantastic and the presents!!!!!!! Wow again, thanks everyone.

Life is good and I am only one day older than I was yesturday!

Special thanks:
Winnie...for everything
Matt....for being just what I needed when I needed it and knowing how to drive me crazy - in more ways than one.
Alex, James, Danica, Bela, and the chick in the reject shop for the fantastic pressys and amusing guys really should not have but since you did...thankyou xxx
Chris for my fantastic Dr scraf that I am still wearing...
Emma..special thanks for driving all the way here to share this with me....and to Gavin and you for the warmest underclothes I have ever worn and in the funkiest colour pattern!!!!
Linda for all the shows i love and only have access too thanks to your forberance..and for the awsome Bone comic.....did I mention I love it?
For Ginge and Sonia for destroying all the excuses I have for missing sports on thursdays...and to flynny for the kisses and beautiful card..
Dave, Fiona, Simon, and Jimmy for the copies of my all time fav show ever (wonder which one im talking about) and for being there for my was great to spend it with you....thanks for putting up with mexxx
Drew for the funky after party venue....especially funky from what I hear ;)
Adrian for the especially useful aide to the success of my university studies...It was one i did not have so thankyou a bundle!
Denver for letting me live in your house and use your heater to stop myself from freezing to death...and for all the late night chats.

And finally but not least of all a very special thanks to Oswell.........need I say more?

Cheers everyone

Friday, May 20, 2005

Welcome to your birthday

Woke this morning after dreaming about my ex Jay and feeling sad....trying to let it go but it can be hard...i dont miss him really just the idea of us, its hard to describe but I guess turning another year older before acomplishing anything much has left me feeling a bit adrift and his is a port I am familar with....nautical today arent I? Any way other than slight butterflies cause of dream things on this birthday morning are pretty good..stayed at winnies last night and got woken this morning by her mother with hot porriage, toast, and tea waiting....yum yum it is really nice to have someone cook breakfast for me! Then got pressy from winnies family and one from winnie..winnies pres rocks...she made me a shirt that says I love nerds on the front...will prob wear it tonight cause it is very cool. Feel kind of bad with people giving me presents though cause they dont need too im just happy that so many people are comming to dinner with me, i mean i dont even know when everyones birthday terrified now that one will happen when im not looking and ill miss it!!!
Anyway am going to the city soon for brunch with winnie and then will be attending a careers fair !!!! maybe ill finaly work out what the smeg i want to do with my life....heres hoping.
Better go shower and decide what to wear..cause you know im such a fashion wiz (lol - ha ha ha) that it will take time to get that look just right! (ha ha) jeans, a tshirt and barely brushed hair takes effort. Actually id better make an effort if im going to careers day thing..wil ask winnie before we leave if i look suitable.

Just spoke to my muma so am feeling a lot better.....just keenly missing home and family will pass and then things move on and change...and people tell me that I have to change with them.
Take care and ill be seeing you later.

"happy birthday - Q: how do you celebrate tha passing of time as it slides through your grasp? - A: With beer and good companionship ofcourse!"

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Success at last

Hooray for the birthday for least fun for me and after that I shall stop caring wether all others are having fun times....the place is not perfect but it is close enough for a dinner,drinky thing for my bday. Had lunch with M today and that was nice, we went to the pub that my friend from uni works was good and we found another place to go some other time.

Things this week have been kinda strange but hopefully all will settle down looking forward to my birthday bash...although i was begining to get a little frustrated with the whole thing and was contemplating cancelling it and spending the day/night hidding under a blanket drinking beer with M and W....but all will be well and have decided to just relax and enjoy the event.

For those that are comming ill see you there and dont forget to give me your dinner order by tommorow.


Monday, May 16, 2005

fantastic fun with the doctor and the blue box

Hooray just returned home from the fun adventures of a Dr Who marathon (well a mini marathon as it was only 7 1 old one) A group of us..winnie, me, bela, mark, drew, alex, and james all gathered at drews new house (hooray for drew) and watched 7 episodes of the doctor - plus 1 old one, and ate dinner at the local was much fun. Winnie and I were almost late due to sleeping in till 2pm!!!!!! and nearly missing our lift who turned up at 2 and woke us up! Still we made it and had many fun adventures.
Its my birthday this week and I am very excited...but a bit sad cause I miss my family and my home.....I feel a bit lost here in and although my lovely new friends are helping alot it is still hard to feel welcome in a strange place when everyone who really knows you and loves you is 2 states away.....but enough of such sadness..excessive cheerfulness is the policy for all things now (despite the fact it did not work for the cold/flu thingy)
I have to remeber to phone the person I am sort of um seeing??? to remind him of said birthday cause if he does a no-show to that event I will be most upset...still he did warn he is incredibly forgetful so I feel a reminder is in order (if your reading this you know who you are- so dont bloody forget that my birthdy is on friday - this week as in the 20th may 2005) anyhow I hope it will be fun times for all who attend...althoug am having trouble with the venue cause it needs to be fairly cheap, allow drinking, serve food - including a vegetarian option, and allow loudness, and children....this is prooving harder than anticipated, still I refuse to dispair a venue will be found and fun will be had by all or by god there will be consequences!!!!!!!!
going now cause im bored and wish to snooze for a bit.
take care

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Good impressions

I had to give a presentation to the class at uni that I am supposed to be running extra help tutorials in...the class I am failing rather spectacularly.....needless to say there was a great deal of anticipation for this presentation. I forgot about it till a week before it was due when my lecturer informed me that it was in fact week 9 and not as I has thought week 7, he then asked me what the topic was for this thoroughly researched presentation I would be giving.......the words baboon and hybrid were written on the board behind his head so I grabed at them like a life raft on the titanic, "The hybridization of baboons" I replied with confidence. "Well he says that will be very interesting I recently did a lot of work on that area" - oh crap my head thought as the life raft I had grabbed began to loose its bouyancy, oh crap.

I was sick with the bloody flu for that entire week.

I was still working on this presentation at 2.30 in the morning on the day I was to give it. -

Needless to say this was not likely to be winning voice dissapeared about three slides into it..and I spent about 5 minutes coughing a disturbing lung shaped glob into a tissue whilst my class mates attemtped to determine if I was dying or merely demonstrating the mating calls of said baboons.

Despite all of these things I believe the presentation was a least it probably was until some utter bastard in the class got smart and started asking insane questions about the genetic variation between hybrids and thier parent troops???????I made something up on the spot and think he bought it.....I mummbled and used some long words and droped some numbers in there too...

Still it was done and my lecturer seemed impressed (although probably less at the presentation than at my ability not to die during it) so on the whole I think this qualifies as good out of the top drawer....well at least it did until I made the mistake of pressing the eject button on the departments expensive laptop to which it responded by hissing at me, shutting down, and refusing to work again till I left the room!
Why oh why?

Recriminations and dispair

Remember when I was so sure of my ability to finish uni and then get a great sure in fact that when I was head hunted by a very large company for a very nice job being offered a very nice salary I not only turned them down..but I went the extra mile and convinced them that they would be better off not offering it ot me at all.....please do not ask for an explanation to this bizaar behaviour...I am afraid I can offer none. Anyway now I am facing the sad reality that I will probably not be headhunted again...and in fact may have significant difficulty in aquiring a job anywhere near as relevant and cushy as the one I so cleverly turned down......I have recently applied to the same company for thier lowly graduate program!!!!! I am starting to suspect that I was a little too convincing when I suggest they not hire me! I will now have to wait with baited breath for the response to my new suggestion that in fact I would be a great addition to thier payrole! Think i'm totally screwed????? join the club.

Monday, May 09, 2005


I have nothing to say...just procrastinating from my assignments......due tommorow....hmmm should prob work on them a bit more......hmmmm......anyway hope everyones days are still sick and still opting for excessive will work eventually!

Friday, May 06, 2005


Thats pretty much a discription of the way I feel this morning! Had trouble sleeping cause when I lay down I could not breath properly.......yuck I hate being sick! Cheerul Cheerful Cheerful...Have stayed home today, will try to work and rest at the same friend winnie is comming over to make me hot drinks while I try to work...she is so great! Have stuff to do at home too so maybe i'll get more done this way....My housemate Gavin somes home today...he's been away for a couple of weeks....poor guy comming home to sickly housemate! Sorry Gav! Am continuing my plan of excessive cheerfullness to counter this cold...must be better by tommorow! Think it will work?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

My rather unspectacular return to sporting.........

Tonight I returned to playing multi sports with the team im in which is aptly named 'Next Week For Sure' - I had been unable to attend for the last couple of weeks and had been looking forward to it especially when i was told we were paying netball, which usually i dont suck too much at...unfortunetly tonights game was bad.....we got creamed 34 to was not good! However no one was really feeling great, lots of tired and hurting peoples and me who woke up this morning sick. I hate it when you feel great and then go to bed and in the morning your truely does suck, bite and blow all at once. I am hoping it is merely a cold like thing that will pass quickly and not a flu...I really cant afford to get sick now as all my assesment is due soon and I have to study hard, I have decided that if I adopt an attitude of excessive cheerfulness perhaps I can beat it and it will just go away., I was not feeling too bad this morning, or at lunch but by this afternoon I was a zombie...and now after sports I am a sick zombie with a headcold and a bad attitude!!!! No No im not i am cheerful...i will be cheerful!!!!!
Today was a good day, I had some errands to run in the city and visited some stuff I had wanted to see and then I had lunch with a friend and that was plesant, although we did not actually eat anything cause we speny nearly the whole time walking around the nearby suburbs looking for a place that sold beer....we finally found one and had just enough time to have a drink and leave to walk back, still it was fun.
I am once again procrastinating at my studies cause my head is feeling really crappy and I cant focus too well on the readings, maybe i'll rest tonight and get up early and work all day tomorow.....maybe if I just rest for an hour or so i'll be able to get some more work done tonight.
Yep thats what I'll do..i'll rest till my family calls then work after iv spoken to them.......its my dad's birthday today and im bummed out that i cant be there to see them so im feeling pretty homesick as well as normal sick..ha ha that was not funny. Must be cheerful...cheerful cheerful cheerful!!!!! Alright time to go have a lie writting is no longer making sense.......bye bye till next time

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The things we do....and random thoughts and notes.

Today was a crazy long day.....uni early and then study group that i had to run...thankfully only one of the group was able to make it today the rest had a tute make up......that was good acuse it meant i did not actually have to impress anyone with my knowledge of subject material...i now have an extra week to prepare although i prob wont cause i have lots of assesment due and must work on that or be in big trouble with department staff......

Another thing i did today was phone a friend...(not like a life line sadly) I was supposed to be fixing some issues and instead I phoned a friend and made a lunch date...not productive i'll admit but iv always found avoiding problems the path of least resistance..besides if i close my eyes real tight maybe the problems will go away? I know i know this is just delaying dealing with them but I dont care I would rather have lunch!

I had put a coat on layby at myer for winter cause im freezing in this crazy place and then today I saw a much better one for less than half what myer was chargin i went back to myer cancelled my layby and used the refund money to buy my happy new coat outright!!! Hooray for me as I have a new coat......ha ha ha you know what that means housemate???? A new song....
- la la la I have new coat, new coat for me, no new coat for you, i have new coat -
ha ha ha ha ha I am evil.

I am learning how to use new things on the computer and to navigate new is strange and confusing and I am not sure if I like it seems to be working so far but that generally means it is saving all the crashing and erasing fun for later when I am off guard......

Im going to see a movie later tonight with Chris...the final cut... it sounds a bit creepy but thats ok, im going to stay over there tonight afterwards and then go into the city in the morning and then to old parliment house later in the day for lunch, then shopping for food cause i forgot to last week and am getting tired of potatos... dont get me wrong i like em but they can get dull after a few days! I think i might be playing sport later but have not checked that so i'll have to do that at some point tomorow too, then its home to work...yes work no more procrastination like im doing right now...but work!
Oh lord is that the time????? have to go need clean clothes if planning on leaving the house tonight!

"Never pay the reaper with love only"

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I wanna be an airforce ranger.....

Ever get that feeling that no one is listening???? A couple of weeks ago I spoke to one of my lecturers about getting an extra group organised for study for those like me who are having trouble, so today in class he annouces that the postgrad student Kate will be running an extra study session in the lab to help those students having trouble. Now ofcourse the rest of the students think I am doing really well in the subject and will be able to help them with it!!!!!! Wow they are going to be sooo pissed off when they discover the student taking the study group is actually failing the subject! I have no clue what im going to do and i have just one night to prepare it for them.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh when will my teachers learn....i am not a top student, i suspect they think that if they just keep pretending that i am then i'll at some point become one..........

Monday, May 02, 2005

What is this feeling......could it be happiness?

I am feeling very strange at the momment, things in my life are still chaotic and I'm still just as confused about the relationships in my life and the people I know and love, I'm still in this strange town trying to get through the days...and yet just now for no real reason I feel like laughing and i'm smiling as i write this...hard to believe I know. I think its a good sign..especially since I am happy right now when I am not with anyone or doing anything, its just me and the tedious readings for uni. It wont last, by tomorow if not by later this evening I'll be cross and distressed again.....hmm it must be a day that ends in Y, but for right now in this momment I'm happy..strange but it fill me with an optimism, maybe i'll be ok after all.

Other Stuff:
Ok well that was what I really wanted to blog but while i'm here i'll blog about other stuff too, why waste a good blog space. I heard from a friend from home tonight, he was the other bestfriend of my ex and mine, he is doing good but having dramas that I guess he feels it is still my job to fix, I try to remind him that I'm here now and not with my ex anymore so it is not really up to me to interfere with whats going on...but I think he just wanted someone to talk too, his best friend is kind of busy lately with his new girl and the baby thats on its way so he has little time for friends. It was strange to be speaking to people about things back home cause it all feels so far from me now, I miss it even the dramas, but I know this is the better place for me to be right now although there have been tempting incentives to return lately, I do not think that will be a wise move. (understatment of the year) Maybe i'll visit mid year,,,,hmm maybe i think that will depend on the situation at the time. Any way just wanted to blog it out cause it just felt strange to hear from my friend when lately i've been focused on whats happening here. Oh well not exactly groundbreaking material here but hey thats is occassionally dull and makes no sense!
cheers till later

A new generation of fans are born

Hi everyone, I just finished watching episodes 3,4, and 5 of Dr Who and I have to say I am loving this soooooo much. I loved the old ones, especially Tom Baker, but I think I now have a new favorite doctor......christopher eccelson (spell?) is 'fantastic' he has it just pleasantly surprised by miss piper aswell who new the signer really had talent! I am so glad it starts on tele soon cause everyone should see it and a whole new generation of fans can be born. Hooray for the doctor and his faithful companion (s) !

Oh yeah and I also watched a great thing on abc last night called the second is about all I can say! Christopher eccelson (ha ha spelling???) was great as the new really if god looked like him I imagine I would discover faith! It was a really bizaar and yet highly entertaining show....for those that missed it it might be worth a look at a later point cause it was cool!

I hear good things about Hitchhikers new movie...but am dubious.....the changes are fairly I hear douglass adams was unhappy with the progress of it before he died (long project).....but i will go see it could i not!

Cheers for now - J

"Your a handsom devil. What's your name?"


I love that no one reads this......I've written some shite things so its good that no one is listening. I reached a decision this evening...I will no longer be looking for the approval of those around me...if they dont like me, well thats their problem, those who bother to get to know me realize i'm not that bad...i'm kind, honest, loyal, and caring....once you get past the hard bitchy surface. I am mean sometimes, and I can even be anoying and self i think i might be human! My life has been far from fun...I mostly dont talk about it cause it hurts and yeah I realize I obsess over things and have been in a bad mood almost perminently sinse arriving in this town...but hey I'm not going to apologise for that it is just something that happens to even the best of you, besides I am in a great mood around some people and when I am stuff all those that would judge the antics and rantings of a crazed broken girl whose birthday is soon and will probably be spent alone and sad cause all her loved ones are miles away and she has been too wrapped up in her pain to make the effort to make friends here.
Going to bed now before I begin thinking more unhelpful thoughts........really gotta stop having coffee late at night!

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Things have been climaxing lately, I feel like I'm at that point in my life where its time to move forward into new things....the people around me are both dissapointing me and surprising me, I have made some new friends here and am enjoying thier company....especially my new female friend (you know who you are) its nice to have someone around i can do girly things with. I still have done nothing towards sorting out my personal life...but that too is building and will come to a head in its own time. The biggest changes are in the ideas for what I want to do in the future....I have spend the last few years studying with a particual goal in mind, knowing tha it would take another several to become close to achieving the qualifications required for it, and now I find myself wondering if this is really the direction I should be going I have the stamina to stick it out, can I maintain my passion through another degree....I hope so and remain optimistic that this will be my long term goal...but for now I have to look at what I will do during the time it takes for me to attain the required qualifications. I do not think I could stand being a full time student for another year after this one..and so I have to begin looking at the kind of work I can get now, and also the kind of work I that will make me happy while I study part time for the next 8 to 10 years. I have a lot of things I would like to do in my life, and I think that as long as I am working to finance my studies I amy as well do some of these things and be happy. Next year I will take anything I can get just to get me started and bring some money in, then after that there are things that I ca do that interst me and will be friend and i have ideas for a buisness that would be fun to we will have to see how that goes, although as my friends and family can testify I have no head for numbers. I am concerned with next year especially as I just recieved a dissapointing rejection from a position that I was really hoping to get, but I guess I did pretty well to make it as far as I did into the application process. Ah well guess it just was not meant to be, much like the relationships around me lately! Anyway other than the usual doubts and anxieties I am doing ok, I'm healthy, and weigh less than I have in years (a good thing), not really loving the weather but i am loving the seasons if that makes sense. I miss all my family and friends from home (and my sis in the western zone - hi babe) and wish I could see them, but I will come home soon, till then I will continue calling, emailing and blogging.
Love you all
Stay tuned for the next installment of the fasinating rambles from jinx - (for my housemate.....yeah yeah i know - not that i'm bitter right?)