Monday, May 02, 2005

What is this feeling......could it be happiness?

I am feeling very strange at the momment, things in my life are still chaotic and I'm still just as confused about the relationships in my life and the people I know and love, I'm still in this strange town trying to get through the days...and yet just now for no real reason I feel like laughing and i'm smiling as i write this...hard to believe I know. I think its a good sign..especially since I am happy right now when I am not with anyone or doing anything, its just me and the tedious readings for uni. It wont last, by tomorow if not by later this evening I'll be cross and distressed again.....hmm it must be a day that ends in Y, but for right now in this momment I'm happy..strange but it fill me with an optimism, maybe i'll be ok after all.

Other Stuff:
Ok well that was what I really wanted to blog but while i'm here i'll blog about other stuff too, why waste a good blog space. I heard from a friend from home tonight, he was the other bestfriend of my ex and mine, he is doing good but having dramas that I guess he feels it is still my job to fix, I try to remind him that I'm here now and not with my ex anymore so it is not really up to me to interfere with whats going on...but I think he just wanted someone to talk too, his best friend is kind of busy lately with his new girl and the baby thats on its way so he has little time for friends. It was strange to be speaking to people about things back home cause it all feels so far from me now, I miss it even the dramas, but I know this is the better place for me to be right now although there have been tempting incentives to return lately, I do not think that will be a wise move. (understatment of the year) Maybe i'll visit mid year,,,,hmm maybe i think that will depend on the situation at the time. Any way just wanted to blog it out cause it just felt strange to hear from my friend when lately i've been focused on whats happening here. Oh well not exactly groundbreaking material here but hey thats is occassionally dull and makes no sense!
cheers till later


Blogger Polysemous said...


9:40 PM  
Blogger emmajeans said...

ha, ha. yoouu'rre happy!
(... hang on... that's a good thing! I'm happy for you chica.)

6:18 PM  

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