Monday, May 02, 2005

A new generation of fans are born

Hi everyone, I just finished watching episodes 3,4, and 5 of Dr Who and I have to say I am loving this soooooo much. I loved the old ones, especially Tom Baker, but I think I now have a new favorite doctor......christopher eccelson (spell?) is 'fantastic' he has it just pleasantly surprised by miss piper aswell who new the signer really had talent! I am so glad it starts on tele soon cause everyone should see it and a whole new generation of fans can be born. Hooray for the doctor and his faithful companion (s) !

Oh yeah and I also watched a great thing on abc last night called the second is about all I can say! Christopher eccelson (ha ha spelling???) was great as the new really if god looked like him I imagine I would discover faith! It was a really bizaar and yet highly entertaining show....for those that missed it it might be worth a look at a later point cause it was cool!

I hear good things about Hitchhikers new movie...but am dubious.....the changes are fairly I hear douglass adams was unhappy with the progress of it before he died (long project).....but i will go see it could i not!

Cheers for now - J

"Your a handsom devil. What's your name?"


Blogger Polysemous said...

We watched it too, and I had fun, and Gray had a lot of fun bitching about it, which I always enjoy because he's so entertaining when he's bitching.

9:39 PM  

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