Sunday, May 01, 2005


Things have been climaxing lately, I feel like I'm at that point in my life where its time to move forward into new things....the people around me are both dissapointing me and surprising me, I have made some new friends here and am enjoying thier company....especially my new female friend (you know who you are) its nice to have someone around i can do girly things with. I still have done nothing towards sorting out my personal life...but that too is building and will come to a head in its own time. The biggest changes are in the ideas for what I want to do in the future....I have spend the last few years studying with a particual goal in mind, knowing tha it would take another several to become close to achieving the qualifications required for it, and now I find myself wondering if this is really the direction I should be going I have the stamina to stick it out, can I maintain my passion through another degree....I hope so and remain optimistic that this will be my long term goal...but for now I have to look at what I will do during the time it takes for me to attain the required qualifications. I do not think I could stand being a full time student for another year after this one..and so I have to begin looking at the kind of work I can get now, and also the kind of work I that will make me happy while I study part time for the next 8 to 10 years. I have a lot of things I would like to do in my life, and I think that as long as I am working to finance my studies I amy as well do some of these things and be happy. Next year I will take anything I can get just to get me started and bring some money in, then after that there are things that I ca do that interst me and will be friend and i have ideas for a buisness that would be fun to we will have to see how that goes, although as my friends and family can testify I have no head for numbers. I am concerned with next year especially as I just recieved a dissapointing rejection from a position that I was really hoping to get, but I guess I did pretty well to make it as far as I did into the application process. Ah well guess it just was not meant to be, much like the relationships around me lately! Anyway other than the usual doubts and anxieties I am doing ok, I'm healthy, and weigh less than I have in years (a good thing), not really loving the weather but i am loving the seasons if that makes sense. I miss all my family and friends from home (and my sis in the western zone - hi babe) and wish I could see them, but I will come home soon, till then I will continue calling, emailing and blogging.
Love you all
Stay tuned for the next installment of the fasinating rambles from jinx - (for my housemate.....yeah yeah i know - not that i'm bitter right?)


Blogger Gavin said...

'not that bitter'- hmm that depends on what time of the day. Morning zombie woman never looks that happy.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Gavin said...

'not that bitter'- hmm that depends on what time of the day. Morning zombie woman never looks that happy.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Polysemous said...

You're scaring me.

9:37 PM  

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