Monday, May 16, 2005

fantastic fun with the doctor and the blue box

Hooray just returned home from the fun adventures of a Dr Who marathon (well a mini marathon as it was only 7 1 old one) A group of us..winnie, me, bela, mark, drew, alex, and james all gathered at drews new house (hooray for drew) and watched 7 episodes of the doctor - plus 1 old one, and ate dinner at the local was much fun. Winnie and I were almost late due to sleeping in till 2pm!!!!!! and nearly missing our lift who turned up at 2 and woke us up! Still we made it and had many fun adventures.
Its my birthday this week and I am very excited...but a bit sad cause I miss my family and my home.....I feel a bit lost here in and although my lovely new friends are helping alot it is still hard to feel welcome in a strange place when everyone who really knows you and loves you is 2 states away.....but enough of such sadness..excessive cheerfulness is the policy for all things now (despite the fact it did not work for the cold/flu thingy)
I have to remeber to phone the person I am sort of um seeing??? to remind him of said birthday cause if he does a no-show to that event I will be most upset...still he did warn he is incredibly forgetful so I feel a reminder is in order (if your reading this you know who you are- so dont bloody forget that my birthdy is on friday - this week as in the 20th may 2005) anyhow I hope it will be fun times for all who attend...althoug am having trouble with the venue cause it needs to be fairly cheap, allow drinking, serve food - including a vegetarian option, and allow loudness, and children....this is prooving harder than anticipated, still I refuse to dispair a venue will be found and fun will be had by all or by god there will be consequences!!!!!!!!
going now cause im bored and wish to snooze for a bit.
take care


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