Friday, July 29, 2005


OWWWW the pain :P

Hi everyone just a brief note on the spectacular victory of the sports legends last night...2 nill good effort guys! Unfortunetly I can claim no credit due being wiped out in the first quater thanks to a very powerful kick to the bloody guys should see the lump on it you can tell I can not work boss less than impressed...but I can not walk therefor can not sitting at the computer with my leg up on the desk killing time till my friend gets here to take me to the doctor man for examination...I am sure its not broken and doubt I'll need an x ray but prob need it strapped or splinted since I can take no weight on it....alas this does not bode well for my pub trip this evening!

Got other news cousin is visiting Canberra this weekend so I'll get to catch up with him on sunday! Hooray have not seen him for a very long time....really looking forward to it...want to hear all the adventures he's been having whilst living in Washington DC.

Am doing a bit better at handling the other stuff that going on...the more distractions the better and now my leg hurts enough to distract me from everything...except the internet!

gotta go do some actual study related stuff now

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The coffee nightmare continues!

Wow I just really suck at making coffee using a fancy coffee machine of death....made a cappacino foam....could not get the stupid milk to foam..also burnt the milk..dont ask me how I have no bloody idea....I just cant do it....have to learn fast cause it will piss my boss of to no end if I cant make coffee in a coffee shop!...on a brighter note think my boss really likes me always saying thankyou and excellent work etc plus his girlfriend like me heaps..she and I hit it off straight away...hope they dont split...hmmm....Like my job, its hard work and I always feel tierd at the end of the day but it is good to be busy again.....combined with uni it makes me very busy....loads of other stuff happening but dont know if I want to blog about it yet...some of it just boring stuff about ending psuedo relationships...feeling unloved and pretty sodding unappreciated, feeling sadness over lost loves and distant friends etc etc and some of it is more serious...really serious and really sad but I ...I just dont want to write about it yet maybe not at all...I'll wait and see maybe writting about it will help..maybe not.

Please note following subject change...subtle huh?

Uni going well although I missed my classes yesturday to do my boss a favour and work for him..told him it was a one off and I wont skip classes again...this was just cause everyone else that has a brain was people needed training (I know I told him I had only been there a week) apparently someone who knew what to do (again i said "what the?" to him...) had to be there....This job is turning out to be an interesting experience.

Ooh bought a CD today..the triple J vol 12....Im listening to it now....its got a song I love...used to hate it but its stuck in my head and wont get out and now I like it..its by the streets and is called fit but you know it...its a totally stupid song but I cant get it out of my head and now I know all the bloody words and often find myself humming it or singing it during the day!!!!!!Dont you hate that?

Had wierd dream about my best friend (also ex) last night that woke me up several times during the night..was tierd today cause of was strange, him and his new girlfriend, were all together's hazy now but at the time it all felt so real....unsettling cause it makes me miss him and his stupid jokes...

Have a big road trip planned for the end of the year with some new friends..about 4 weeks driving from here through NSW and QLD visting a bunch of pretty places and some friends too..should be a grand get to go home and see mum and dad and the puppy and my friends...hooray homesickness big time lately....Am really looking forward to it..a chance to try and think about what i'll do next year..whether i'll come back here or go home, or go elsewhere...who knows...not me anyway!

I'm out of here for now going to watch tele at 8.30 so need to get some work done first... thanks for listening to the ramble and i'll keep you posted.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

For those that asked....

Ok it went something like this.....the only assesment I had had returned were fails, then the marks came out and I did not not the code (yes I am an diot..this is not in question) so instead of asking for an explanation of the code I assumed it meant fail.....much sadness and misery followed until I discovered it meant incomplete assesment!!! Saw my lecturer completed silly assesment and then got the rest of it marked....did very well on all bar two things..avaeraged out to a credit..Hooray for me (I am clever it seems)...So that my friends is how it goes from "do not think I can recover from this" to "Hooray I am clever" and No you can not have any...this cleverness is all mine ha ha ha ha!

Job going well although I think my boss is mad and the chef is trying to introduce me to a friend of his called GOD! - Man these people just really think I need religion! this time its christian not Jehova so at least I'm getting a variety of attempted conversions! My boss always thanks me for actually showing up at work...I told him today I had notr ealized it was thinking of not showing tomorow just for the novelty! Better's hardly challenging work and it pays pretty damn well. Am in the process of learning to use the evil coffee machine of death.....hmmm somehow I suspect this will not end well!

Got forwarded some more job stuff in teh arch field from my old lecturer so have applied hopefully i'll get it, will have to take time off from uni and work here but its not for long and field experience as a dig bunny is importent in arch and anth.

Winnie my girl I also am missing girly talks and fun stuff, yes we do need to catch up and soon...damn you for living too far from should live here with me, i'll share my room..hmmm maybe not! Am feeling unloved since you got new job and interesting love life...feeling ditched!!! Must remedy situation by having fun times. I think there may be plans for pool like fun with Alex and others on friday...i'll call would be good to see you, if not then we should do teh coffee thing next week :)

Life is a strange I have spent a lot of time on the phone with my ex lately...I am missing him heaps, he knows me better than anyone so he gets me when i'm having a wierdo mood. I think that I am very lucky to have been able to keep the friendship with him even after all the crap that happened between us. A lot of people dont understand why it was so importent for me to stay friends with him, but friendship like the one I have with him is a rare thing and knowing that when i'm down and need it I can call him and he will not just want to help but understand how too is worth putting the crap behind us....I am lucky that I have met so many great people in my short life...
I've also met some real bastards but hey who hasnt?

Pleased to announce my jerk radar still functioning A-ok.....ooh plus served a real cutie today at work...prob a jerk but i'm still hopeing he comes back tomorow!
Gotta go am just rambling now...

Fav Quote: "Where are all the good men dead, in the heart, or in the head?"

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Alright already....Jeez

Hi everyone sorry have been really busy and not in a fun way!....Ok where to start...did well at uni in all my subjects and as I said to Matt when he asked me what I learned from this...I learned I am clever!!!!hee hee hee. Um have enrolled in this semsters subjects and so far so good am still trying to sort out my schedule with my lecturers...mostly my fault cause I have not yet been able to make the meeting times!!! My subjects all sound really intesresting although I am shitty that so many stupid CSI wanna be's are enrolled in my courses, cause of them we miss out on the practicle stuff cause there are too many students!!! There should be a rule that you can not take these courses unless they are actually relevant to your bloody course!!!!! AHHHHH
Anyway thats been bugging me this week...but hopefully all silly TV teens will fade away as the course gets harder and they have to do the boring theoretical stuff and realize that there are no spunky goth chicks working the fake crime scene!

Okay next topic....had a fantastic day the other day cause some friends and me went hiking in the mountains and it had snowed the night before so everything was covered in snow!!!!It was the most fun I have had since I came here....I had not seen snow since I was a tiny little girl and I had a whole day of just hiking and playing in the snow and climbing to lookouts and stuff...I was still smiling two days later!!! I really had a great day, the best in ages.

Um oh yeah I decided last week I had better get a job...just something to bring in some cash, so on monday I went and got one. I'm now a working girl (no not that way) I work at a place called Mooreish on Moore! cool name huh? Anyhow had my first shift today, I liked it but am really stuffed after being on my feet all day...I had forgotten what it was like to work in hospitality! I dont really know if the boss liked me that much or not...I stuffed up a couple of times but think for the most part I went ok...feel like an idiot when I made mistakes though hope that stops cause did not like that feeling much! I did not break anything or kill any customers so I guess that should count as a victory. Have come to realize however that there is evil in this place....yes I did say evil....The dreaded coffee machine of death!!! I just cant use it, it looks simple enough and seems to cause no problems for any body else...but I just cant do it! It is alive, evil and out to get me that is the only logical explanation for my ineptitude at using it!

Was supposed to go have drinky poos last night to celebrate but no surprises something happened and I got cancelled on again....(hope your feeling better soon if your reading this...and if your not then you suck anyway and I hope your head hurts)-really mature I know!

Anyhow thats about it cant think of anything else too tierd brain is mush......feet hurt, and want chocolate but cant have any cause of suspicous increase in waist and butt size inlast few weeks! Damn you chocolatety yummyness and your evil fattning ingrediants...hopefully working will make said waist and bum decrease in size....also got a push bike on loan to try out when I can...if it works then will start ridding regularly to aid in afore mentioned decreasing!

Cheers and stop hasseling me for updates (Thats for you Miss Polly .... Just kidding keep em comming babe I loves realize of course I only delay so long to entice you to the telephone!-miss you babe)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What the????????

Where to start.....hmmm ok firstly update on previous blog.....turns out I am not dating the most unreliable man in this city...but I am dating the most forgiving!!!! Ooops just does not sum it up folks......I recently discovered that during my crazy binge drinking night I got hold of a phone and decided in my state of rational thought that ringing him at 1 o'clock in the morning and yelling at him all those things I have been brooding over for the last few months...most of which have nothing really to do with make it worse at the time I phoned he was nursing his very sick horse at the stable, having problems with his work....serious problems, and suffering a stomache ulcer......oh yes I made his life oh so much easier!!!!! I am a complete idiot...all I want to do is be a supportive friend for this guy cause I happen to think he is a good person and instead I get so self centered that I end up making his life harder because his world does not revolve around me.......Yes I ones world revolves around me and there are other people in the universe etc etc but sometimes I get so caught up in my own head that I forget that and end up being a bitch to the people in my life who really dont deserve depsite having lunch with him the other day and having many jokes about it.....I still think he is mad at me..with all good reasons too.....I think the best thing I can do for him now is just bugger off and give him some space......hard to do when I've left things at such a yucky place....hmmm dont know what to do..never really been good at this crap.....he's my friend and I think I blew it.

Second lot of fun for the week:
My trip home cancelled and feeling especially upset about field work, no friends, no family time, and I wont get to see J before he moves or for his birthday. (speaking birthdays big happy one for my sis this week!!!) Then just when I was starting to feel a bit better about not going home.....I got my uni results back for the semester....bad.....very bad.....not sure if I can recover this.....I failed one of my importent 6 unit subjects.....will have to see the course conveynor today and try to beg for a chance to make the unitts up over the next semster or else I will definetly be bumped of the masters program list......If i do get the chance to make it up then next semester I'll be taking an overload of subjects so will need to work very very hard just to maintain a relatively good average....imagin how hard it will be to maintain the high average required for my program.....hmmmm is not going to be fun....but that is the price when you screw things up.

Gotta go have to make calls and try to clear my head with a run.......honestly though I am a complete sodding tool sometimes.......maybe when I start being heavily medicated again things will improove!!!...hmmm maybe.