Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The coffee nightmare continues!

Wow I just really suck at making coffee using a fancy coffee machine of death....made a cappacino foam....could not get the stupid milk to foam..also burnt the milk..dont ask me how I have no bloody idea....I just cant do it....have to learn fast cause it will piss my boss of to no end if I cant make coffee in a coffee shop!...on a brighter note think my boss really likes me always saying thankyou and excellent work etc plus his girlfriend like me heaps..she and I hit it off straight away...hope they dont split...hmmm....Like my job, its hard work and I always feel tierd at the end of the day but it is good to be busy again.....combined with uni it makes me very busy....loads of other stuff happening but dont know if I want to blog about it yet...some of it just boring stuff about ending psuedo relationships...feeling unloved and pretty sodding unappreciated, feeling sadness over lost loves and distant friends etc etc and some of it is more serious...really serious and really sad but I ...I just dont want to write about it yet maybe not at all...I'll wait and see maybe writting about it will help..maybe not.

Please note following subject change...subtle huh?

Uni going well although I missed my classes yesturday to do my boss a favour and work for him..told him it was a one off and I wont skip classes again...this was just cause everyone else that has a brain was people needed training (I know I told him I had only been there a week) apparently someone who knew what to do (again i said "what the?" to him...) had to be there....This job is turning out to be an interesting experience.

Ooh bought a CD today..the triple J vol 12....Im listening to it now....its got a song I love...used to hate it but its stuck in my head and wont get out and now I like it..its by the streets and is called fit but you know it...its a totally stupid song but I cant get it out of my head and now I know all the bloody words and often find myself humming it or singing it during the day!!!!!!Dont you hate that?

Had wierd dream about my best friend (also ex) last night that woke me up several times during the night..was tierd today cause of was strange, him and his new girlfriend, were all together's hazy now but at the time it all felt so real....unsettling cause it makes me miss him and his stupid jokes...

Have a big road trip planned for the end of the year with some new friends..about 4 weeks driving from here through NSW and QLD visting a bunch of pretty places and some friends too..should be a grand get to go home and see mum and dad and the puppy and my friends...hooray homesickness big time lately....Am really looking forward to it..a chance to try and think about what i'll do next year..whether i'll come back here or go home, or go elsewhere...who knows...not me anyway!

I'm out of here for now going to watch tele at 8.30 so need to get some work done first... thanks for listening to the ramble and i'll keep you posted.



Blogger Polysemous said...

It sounds like you might be putting the nozzle in just a little too deep. That could lead to burning of milk and lack of frothing. Let me know if you think that might be it. I find it incredibly interesting. :~)

1:07 AM  

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