Tuesday, July 26, 2005

For those that asked....

Ok it went something like this.....the only assesment I had had returned were fails, then the marks came out and I did not not the code (yes I am an diot..this is not in question) so instead of asking for an explanation of the code I assumed it meant fail.....much sadness and misery followed until I discovered it meant incomplete assesment!!! Saw my lecturer completed silly assesment and then got the rest of it marked....did very well on all bar two things..avaeraged out to a credit..Hooray for me (I am clever it seems)...So that my friends is how it goes from "do not think I can recover from this" to "Hooray I am clever" and No you can not have any...this cleverness is all mine ha ha ha ha!

Job going well although I think my boss is mad and the chef is trying to introduce me to a friend of his called GOD! - Man these people just really think I need religion! this time its christian not Jehova so at least I'm getting a variety of attempted conversions! My boss always thanks me for actually showing up at work...I told him today I had notr ealized it was optional...am thinking of not showing tomorow just for the novelty! Better not..it's hardly challenging work and it pays pretty damn well. Am in the process of learning to use the evil coffee machine of death.....hmmm somehow I suspect this will not end well!

Got forwarded some more job stuff in teh arch field from my old lecturer so have applied hopefully i'll get it, will have to take time off from uni and work here but its not for long and field experience as a dig bunny is importent in arch and anth.

Winnie my girl I also am missing girly talks and fun stuff, yes we do need to catch up and soon...damn you for living too far from me...you should live here with me, i'll share my room..hmmm maybe not! Am feeling unloved since you got new job and interesting love life...feeling ditched!!! Must remedy situation by having fun times. I think there may be plans for pool like fun with Alex and others on friday...i'll call you..it would be good to see you, if not then we should do teh coffee thing next week :)

Life is a strange I have spent a lot of time on the phone with my ex lately...I am missing him heaps, he knows me better than anyone so he gets me when i'm having a wierdo mood. I think that I am very lucky to have been able to keep the friendship with him even after all the crap that happened between us. A lot of people dont understand why it was so importent for me to stay friends with him, but friendship like the one I have with him is a rare thing and knowing that when i'm down and need it I can call him and he will not just want to help but understand how too is worth putting the crap behind us....I am lucky that I have met so many great people in my short life...
I've also met some real bastards but hey who hasnt?

Pleased to announce my jerk radar still functioning A-ok.....ooh plus served a real cutie today at work...prob a jerk but i'm still hopeing he comes back tomorow!
Gotta go am just rambling now...

Fav Quote: "Where are all the good men dead, in the heart, or in the head?"


Blogger Polysemous said...

update good.


me likey update

7:11 PM  

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