Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A test to see if Eohl is still following

Are you out there J?

Monday, April 29, 2013

It hasnt been that long....only um 6 years between posts

Wow, I am terrible at staying focused......Ok brief overview of the last 6 years......

Finished Bio Anth at Uni...
Got good government job....
Um...bought house.....
Dated a while....
Started Masters at Uni....
Long-term relationship of doom....
Exited long-term relationship of doom....
Still kept good Gov job....
Travelled Europe.....
Finished Masters....
Met lovely English man (not in Europe)....
Dated lovely English man...
Still kept good Gov job....
Sold house....
Took leave from lovely Gov job & moved to New Zealand with lovely English man....
Backpacked South Is New Zealand with lovely English man...
Got engaged to lovely English man....
Travelled South East Asia with lovely English man.....
Moved back to Australia to keep good Gov job....lovely English man stayed in NZ.....
Lovely English man migrated to Australia....
Got married to lovely English man (DJ)....
Still kept good Gov job.....

Well that's a brief overview of my life to date - there are loads more but meh this is the highlights.


Monday, July 30, 2007

Hee hee

I found this photo on my pc from Jens b'day last year, i thought it demonstrated my affinity with shiny particularly well :)
Back to work today and it was good, i am not sure if i really like the idea of working for the next 40 years but at least i am back at work for now :) I am trying to convince Mark that we should buy a shop and i will manage it, whilst playing computer games and reading - oh yeah and occassionally selling something to someone :)
I leveled one of my toons to 17 this evening and we played so late that by the time we logged to go cook dinner it was 10pm - so we made smoothy and i ate the blueberries to the sounds of Alex and Mark mocking my affection for the small blue fruit. I should probably eat more than that but i figure its almost sleep time so not long till breakfast :)
its been a week without meds - am wondering if i can go for a while without them - dont worry guys and girls will be seeing my doc to discuss before making any rac decsions - I will fill the script tomorrow and book in with himnext week - i cant stop them but maybe my dose ca go down :)
Andrew is feeling a bit better lately and we are busy working on computer schemes to get city set up at his house so he can join the teams when we play, we got an account for him and now just need to trade graphics cards from my old pc to run the game :) Alex has offerred to assist in that endevour :) Alex and i (by that i mean i watched alex) worked on my new PC today - Hooray - it has no software except XP yet but thats cool we will fix that soon, we transfered all my stuff from the old hardrive over and put a dvd drive in it and i finally packed the old one away ready for a weekend when i am feeling down and then i will take it out and kick it round the yard till i feel better :)
Well thats all for now i should sleep - although i have not been sleeping well lately - mind to active - i suspect its the lack of meds so i will remedy that tomorrow :)
Night Kids

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog

Blog blog blog blog Blog blog blog blog Bloooog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog :)

Hmmm testing the upload of pics to my blog this opens a world of oppurtunities - damn now i will need to find my camera cable :)

Things are ok - i have been sick but am getting better, hopefully back at work next week :)

Win is home hooray hooray I am very happy :)

its the weekend which is also fantastic and have a couple of parties to attend which is always fun

spent most of the week with my boyfriend and that was great, things there are really good i am very happy :)

Saw the spider-pig movie today and decided simpsons are only for me when i am at home and comfy and can wander in and out - it would have been a great episode but as a movie it could not hold my attention - but everyone else loved it so you should go see it anyway

Got my car serviced today and thankfully no problems were discovered :)

Am in bed having trouble sleeping (again) but hopefully i will get to the chemist tomorrow and pick up my meds (i ran out several days ago and have not got them yet - without them its difficult to focus enough to collect them *laugh* conunderum huh?)

Well time to attempt to sleep again will try remember to blog again soon



Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New laptop

I have a new laptop :) it is bloody huge - 17' screen :) good for gaming :) i have installed almost everything i want from my old PC but its too late to keep at it - i will have to wait till after work tomorrow.

Work is good (new job only been there a cple of months) gov work is relatively interesting and although i have been crazy busy lately i have also been building flex time and will have a cple of days off next week :) Hooray for flex :)

Andrew is great we have been dating for 6 months now and it still seems to be working :)

Family is well my sister visited for a cple of days and that was awesome :) it was great to see her :)
Missing my mum and dad but will be going home for christmas this year so that will be fantastic :)

House and uber housemates are well - missing Dan as she travels the globe (well the european part of it anyway) electricity keeps blowing and our oven does not work anymore so i will need to sort that out with the landlord next week - still at least we havent lost all power and can still heat our rooms :)

Thats all folks will endevour to update more frequently but meh i have been busy and most people who want the goss on my life know me well enough to ask via some other method like emailing me at work, calling or txting my mobile of heyjust plain old asking when they see me - apologies for the rest of you :)


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A New Year and a New Life :)

Hi there readers :)

Sorry for the long space in blogs - Life is wonderful - Job is fantastic - my housemates are great - my friends are awesome - new boyfriend is pretty damn great too - and soon am going home to see my parents - Life, you could say is just about perfect :)

Happiness is a strange sensation - even my co-workers are noticing difference in me - possibly related to loud signing whilst working ;)

Christmas was really lovely - I crashed Winnie's family celebration again this year and had a great time - her family are so welcoming and loving it is so nice to spend christmas with them since my own family are so far away.

Christopher came to see me before leaving for his holiday home with his dad - which was the highlight of my week - I have missed him a great deal and so seeing him was special :)
Also he brought me a lovely pressy for christmas - season 2 of Hex :) :) Have already watched it and loved it :)

Have been spenind lots of time with Jen lately and that been great too - I am having such a good time in my life right now I am constantly surprised by it :)

Have been downloading Torchwood season 1 - it is fantastic - have almost the whole season but the later episodes are harder to find - but so far loving it - must buy it as soon as i can :)

thats about it - not much else to say - am housesitting/dog sitting for a friend at work and her house is very relaxing- there is alot of her energy about the place and it is just so easy to chill out there - plus charlie(dog) is a real sweety who loves to cuddle :)
Andrew (new Boy) has stayed with me the lat few days as we attempt to get to know each other before I leave for home - all is good - so far he does not seemed concerned with my, how shall we put it, interesting behaviour quirks :)

Anyway - Have a fantastic New Year - and hope you all had a great christmas - I will be partying up at Muddle for New Years eve then am off home on teh 2nd and will not return till the 2oth so take care and keep well.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today is one of those days.

I dreamed a strange dream last night - one of those dreams which are memory based and thus feel real - I dreamed of Matt and how we were and then I woke up alone - and the memories of all that has happened this year came flooding back.

today is one of those days.............