Thursday, June 16, 2005

BANANAS.........well you did ask.

High probability that I failed in a spectacular fashion. Hense the non celebrationary posting.
Thanks for asking but I doubt I passed the 100% was evil in ways that would have suprised satan himself......nasty and vengeful are two other descriptive words that come to fact I actually heard the lecturer say to a group just before the exam (they were waiting outside and like everyone else desperatly trying to memorise thier notes) "Too late for that now" then he walked into the room laughing in a way that indicated a slightly weak grip on sanity.......he really really really does not like his students.
Oh well if I fail it I can always take it again....and by the conversations I had with the others after it...I will not be alone......
I guess that will save on having to meet new classmates!

I also had my genetics exam.......hmmmm not really sure about that one...think I did pretty well......even though in at least 4 questions I just made random comments and drew pictures cause I had no clue what the question was about.
On one...I think it was about a blood disease....I wrote
"Did you know that we share 50% of our genes with bananas?"......I tell no lie...that is actually true...and I did actually write that.....twice.....I tried to include into an answer to another asked me to refute a papers claim that the new homo species discovered recently shared no genes with part of my answer I explained that as we share 98% of our genes with chimps and 50% with bananas unless the new homo species is actually a entirely new branch of animal/plant then we in all likelyhood share genes with it.

I thought it was a very persuasive argument.......I wonder how my lecturer will feel about it....apparently I also made an impression on some other students just prior to the exam cause at least one other student also wrote for that question...
"As Kate says we share 50% of our genes with bananas, so we probably share quite alot with this new homo species"......
I am in sooo much trouble with my lecturer.......

Unfortunetly this saga does not end here....I also could not answer 2 other questions so for one of them I drew a picture of a chimpanzee and wrote 98% next to it........then for the finale question I could not answer...I drew...yep you guessed it a BANANA....and wrote 50% next to it.......

I hope he has a sense of humour....if not I suspect I will be called in for a 'discussion' before next se this was not just any lecturer...oh no...this was the man who is my post grad supervisor and course coordinator.......I figure if your going down then it should at least be amusing for those around you!

Anyhow thats how my exams are going...I still have one but I dont know if im going to sit it yet...apparently when the class sat it only three people passed......Its a follow up from one we sat earlier in the year....I thought id blown that one cause I only got 9 out of 20...but that was about the same as most of the class....
this guy is well known for his evil exams that almost no power on earth can help you ace....and very few humans have the uncanny x-file like ability to pass them.....not sure I should waste a trip into uni to sit an exam I will fail anyway...but I have to go in soon to hand in some assignments....if he is in his office i'll take the test and maybe get points for spelling my name right!

I have two essays due aswell...they are evil and horid and late...and I have yet to start one of them......I have to finish my genetics one (3000 wds) tonight and then tommorow start researching and writting the primate evolution one..(4000 wds) I plan to hand them both in before wednesday next week!!!!!! Can you say caffine overdrive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a lighter medical test results came back.....(for those unaware...I have been really ill for a few weeks) thankfully I do not have any nasty infection in my stomache and surrounding regions.....
I do however have severe anxiety issues (DUH) and my stomache ulcer/s has returned.....oh yeah and if my symptoms persist they are going to put a camera in a very uncomfortable place (sadly not the back of a winnebago) to make sure I dont have any kind of crazy disease......
I told the lady there would be no such insertion into any uncomfortable places and that I would be fine........she however did not believe me and sent my records to my usual doctor so I can not weasle out of said unpleseantness if it becomes necessary. -

But the good news incurable fevers (just the recurring ones), no parasites, no extra problems in my kidneys or liver........and oh yeah no hemeroids!!!!!

Oh the indignity of it all!


Blogger Polysemous said...

There was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her pajamas... and when she was good she was very very good and when she was bad she said "bananas."

Or something.
Thanks for updating.
Maybe we'll have a catch up call over the weekend sweetie?

8:51 PM  
Blogger Polysemous said...

update missy, or else.


12:22 AM  

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