Monday, June 27, 2005

it's done

Well thats it then all my assesment is finaly handed in and my holidays can start. I got results back from one subject already....the 100% exam subject......I did really well, im not sure which one of the small gods intervened but I said a general thanks to them all anyway....I got a distinction!!!!! Pretty amazing....its some kinda miracle. No other resutls as yet.

Things are not so great elsewise.....I think I might go home for a while...but the problem is if I do i'm really not sure if I'll come back. There seems to be very little here for me that makes me happy so maybe I should move on again.....people used to say I had travellers feet and could only ever stay in place for 6 months before I had to go again.....back then it was easy to move on cause the army pays you to do that!!! Now its not that uni commitments...I still have one more semester at ANU of course work before they might offer masters......*heavy sigh*....not sure what im doing at the momment.

Applied for a job today......if I get it i'll have to move back to queensland but the money will be pretty darn good. Its as a graduate archaeologist for an aluminium company in Weipa, I think i would really enjoy the work...except that part about living in Weipa....but still I like the Cape so holidays would be fun, plus my parents could come see me more often....and I dont need to fly anywhere from Weipa cause driving id just easier! The job got emailed to me by some people I know who thought I should apply....I kinda hope I get it...its a bit of a long shot cause they wanted someone with GIS.....yeah right! But hey what the hey right may as well apply.

Im probably just in a bad mood cause the weekend was kinda harsh for me......My apologies for those present on saturday.......this is he reason I dont drink much anymore...well that and that my kidneys cant handle it and ill die if I do.....I got really drunk....but I suspect that I was not alone.....and if I was...sod it I am willing to bet any amount of money that mostof the people there have gotten worse than that at some point in thier fact Im pretty darn certain you all have!!! I knew I should not have gone cause I was already feeling crap and tierd and pissed off with the world......nevermind maybe it was just what I needed.

I'm also stressed cause I happen to be dating the most inconciderate and consintantly unreliable person on the planet this is beginning to become a problem.......I got shitty about his once before and he fixed is beginning to appear that I will need to get shitty about it again...maybe even yell some.......we are not a couple (thank the gods) but when your seing someone...hell even when your not and its a total stranger....I dont think the respect of common courtesy is too much to ask for.....

Well thats life for this fun filled day of excitement. Sorry took so long to update but hey I got things on my mind.
Take care and I'll catch you all on the flip side.


Blogger eolh said...

YAY, Distinction!
BOO, moving?
BOO, that guy.
YAY, posted.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Polysemous said...

I agree with eolh.


7:49 PM  
Blogger emmajeans said...

Yay! Kakak James is (mostly) right. I only disagree with the 'boo, moving' part of it, because you seemed so unhappy in your studies (although that might have changed with your big fat distinction!!!! Yay!), and working might be something you would enjoy. Of course I would add "BOO, not getting to see you as often as I do!" (Which isn't that often, but still. Canberra is closer than Weipa.)

4:51 PM  
Blogger eolh said...

I got an update...

YAY, that guy who is very forgiving.
BOO, on stress with study.
YAY, the !stress in Canberra.

2:07 PM  

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