Saturday, June 04, 2005

DA DA DA DUM.....first ever character death!!!! i had my first ever character die in a DnD game.....her name was Lia, she was a 5th level elf ranger with magic daggers and a seriously bad attitude........While an excellent fighter and tracker and very valuable member of her party the dangerous wayfarers she will not however I am sad to say be missed by many of them....apparently her bad attitude and tendency to threaten the lives of her traveling companions was unappreciated by those around her......She met her end in a trap set by a former companion..the extremely annoying Princess (thanx very much Emma) for the party's leader....the trap was a pit hiddne in the ground with a shiny bauble hanging above it....her love of shiny things led to her falling into the pit...not on its own a problem except that it also happened to be the current home of two centerpiedes who summarily ate her.........Curse those in the party who did not let her cut princess's throat when she offered to at the beginning of the adventure! All did not end in total tragedy, Lia's lover...a female human barbarian called Dah arrived after her death and joined the company to seek her it turned out this was a short search as in the very next battle the barbarian besieged by 8 foe slaughtered them all only to discover that one of them was in fact princess......a short dose of revenge indeed......and in her rage state Dah did not even notice!



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