Sunday, October 16, 2005

What does the universe have against me???

Today a bad back at my place, winnie staying with me to keep me sane..Gavin away again visting miss Em..things bad, its really an issue of gone and dumped another heap of crap my way...always just when i think things get bettter the universe discovers new ways of messing with my so confused right now no idea what the hell i should do or how i can get out of this mess without hurting myself and those around me......*sigh* and double *sigh* head is very messed up i just want to scream................................................................ Also or those i know in person who read this..dont ask i dont want to talk about it just vent on my blog in an obscure way so that no one knows what i am talking about.....really dont ask me cause i wont answer and it will piss me off.
hope my next blog is of brighter things....thanks for listening interweb peoples.


Blogger eolh said...

Must.. resist.. temptation.. to ask.
I'm sure we can all make good guesses, though. Maybe?

Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it. Life's a laugh, and death's a joke, it's true.

10:44 AM  
Blogger emmajeans said...

I guess sometimes there *is* no way to get out of things without pain. Which is why some animals chew off their own leg rather than stay caught in a trap.

1:38 PM  
Blogger eolh said...

I think you should chew off that leg, it's had a good run, but the trap will kill you. Step forward strongly, and go the way that brings the most happiness, for you as well.

8:45 PM  
Blogger jinx said...

eolh, please explain comment as it is causing slight confussion....were you being literal or metaphorical and if metaphorical please elaborate on what you feel my 'leg' represents!

"in name and nature always the jinx"

12:11 AM  

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