Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Smash Crash Bang and thus ends the car adventures....

I know most of you have been hasseling me to update on my life but you will have to wait.....this is only about my adventures today.....as I was traveling to uni and work this morning I was involved in a 4 car accident....the guy in front of me slammed his brakes on suddenly and I hit him lightly...then the guy behind me slammed into me and threw me forward back into the guy in front who in turn rammed the lady in front of him...4 cars with mine in middle...it is bad my car copped a beating from both front and rear....I was pretty shaken, shock and ip lash and nasty bump on my head....rescue guys said that I was really lucky I had my seatbelt on or I prob would have gone threw windscreen thats how hard I was hit...I got thrown around the car pretty badly...lucky my mum had recently put full comp insurence on the car for me....thank you muma...anyway took the car to NRMA smash repair guy and now await the verdict...Winn's mum came and got me from the scene and now I at her place...not going to uni or work today and maybe not tomorrow depending on whether I am still seeing spots by then.......Am still to shaken to really comment on how I feel or any of the other things happening in my life...lost another aunty recently, Win is no longer moving to melebourne and is comming on holiday with me, transfered all my licence stuff yesturday!!!!, paid rego and what not too!!!! plus personal life gone through upheaval although that seems to be a good thing...more on this and other life crap later...for now I am going to curl up on couch and try not to think about my poor little car.


Blogger emmajeans said...

Aww Katie.
I hope you are okay... seeing Spots is not a good sign. (you meant blotchy vision, not Seeing Spot Run, right?)

The comprehensive insurance was a brilliant idea. Maybe they will give you a big fat cash settlement, and you can have a fantastic holiday on it. (And have enough money left to buy another little around-Canberra car...!)


3:53 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Geez, Katie, that sucks. Are you sure you're okay? And very sad to hear about the car, but under the circumstances better it than you.

And aren't you glad that the nice spam message was the first one to console you in your time of need?

9:23 AM  
Blogger Polysemous said...

Poor babe. I need your number for Winnie's house. Love you.

7:18 PM  

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