Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Is there no decency left?

Can you believe some jerk spamed my blog with info about some stupid auto club in San Fransico on the same blog entry where I write about Bron's death...I am so disgusted by this do people have no decency left...thanks for your comments polly they were great...I posted a comment on the ceiling fan site of our spam blogger to ask them not to do that again..I just can not believe someone would do that, sure it was prob automatic and they did not even read the post they commented on but even so it is crass and unkind and even without the recent tragedy it would have been rude. Anyway am feeling pretty crap still I cant go to the funeral which is on friday and am now just trying hard to hanf on till the end of the year when I can go home, also think I have lost my job cause my boss has not called me.....he is mad cause i have been sick for two weeks and not able to go ro work...screw it and screw him I just dont need this crap...other stuff also now an issue in my life that causes much grief but i cant blog about it yet cause people who read my blog will be upset....it is frustrating. I should go now am too depressed to keep writing.


Blogger antiChris said...

Hey there, sorry that I havn't stayed in touch. My pathetic excuse is that I have been offline since I moved from Crowle St in january. Would definitely like to see you again if you do come back up here for a holiday.

9:51 PM  
Blogger emmajeans said...

Try this, chica.
It might help slow the fuckers down.

10:55 AM  
Blogger antiChris said...

They're good. Got spam in only my second post.

2:00 PM  

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