Friday, September 23, 2005

University procrastination and reruns of charmed....

Am feeling really up tight tonight as I procrastinate on my university assignment by watching the first season of charmed...(forgot how bad the show was when it started..still amusement value is high) I got tickets to serenity next week and was really excited about it until I realized that people in this town cant seem to manage to stay out after midnight during a week day...first matt says he cant come cause its at midnight and he has to work the next day...everyone who is going including myself has to work the following fact I have to be up at 6.30 and am still going...then my girlfriend Win says she wont go cause its too late...I already have tickets and have paid for's very frustrating to find that people wont even come out when its a paid ticket!!!!!! Thankfully D came to the rescue by saying she would come with time there is something fun happening in this place I will remember to ensure it is before bed time for you slack southerners :P

Any who not much really excited about serenity and hope it will be good, charmed re runs are going strong and still have mass amounts of work to do...this diagnosis is taking ages and is driving me nuts...have decided I loath my lecturer for this assignment.....

Coastal trip is shaping up well I put my travel bag on layby today and am starting to make decisions about what is going into storage and what is not, whats to go and whats to be chucked, I am really looking forward to it..its going to be a coastal adventure to ease my heart...i am hoping that a few weeks of sand, sun, and drinks at sunset, living a single and carefree holiday lifestyle will aid in helping me over this crappy heart ache and break that I know is going to hurt like hell but am confident that forced fun at extreme levels will assist in the healing process!

Should prob sleep as this uni work still requires attention and so I must get up early and work hard.... ;) yeah right...well i'll try anyway.
Night all..even you slackers that cant party after cinderella's hour has passed :P



Blogger eolh said...

Is that spam?

And I'm piking on the midnight Serenity, 'cause a little girl overrides such things.

12:09 PM  

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