Monday, October 24, 2005

Stupid computer crap...

tried to delete one of teh previous posts that has been repeated after editing....and it will not getting very very frustrated with this thing cause it just will not remove the deleted post from the blog........screaming at the screen and threatening to chuck stupid machine out window does not seem to be making any difference to the computer's state of mind...I will win this battle with the techno crap..I will...I will not be beaten by a machine!!!!! I refuse to back down..the post will be removed from my blog one way or another.....either it goes or so help me I just delete whole bloody blog and start again elsewhere!!!!

Am studying/procrastinating at my house with Adrian...he is supposed to be studying but instead is making me search internet for wrestling stuff and playing with my phone...I suspect less work being done than could be if we were studying at uni....nevermind...



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