Sunday, October 23, 2005

Only 3200 to go.....

Am sitting at home working on one of the pieces of assesment due this week I have written 1300 words and have said pretty much everything I have to say on the subject and I still have 3200 words to go......not sure if I will get these things done in time...I also have a forensic report from the exhumation I did a couple of weeks ago...both are due on friday...I am in big trouble....

Watching farscape season one whilst I work and thinking how cool the puppets are.....have to work tomorrow really 7.30 and wont finish till after 4...long day for me...then better come home and keep working on silly uni stuff...been invited out to dinner monday night and really want to go cause I have not hung out with my friend Adrian in ages and he and Alana have a new house mate who is irish and I love the irish accent so want to meet him and drool over the sound of his voice....figure if he not drool material to look at will just close my eyes :)

D is being a legend and giving me a ride to work in the morning so I can have extra sleeps and not have to get up a 5.30 in order to be on the 6.30 bus...instead I can just crawl out of bed at 6.45 and dress to leave at 7.10 Hooray Hooray cause brain does not need to function if I am getting a lift!

Last two nights have been trying the solo thing as my housemate G is still visiting Miss Em..the solo thing is hard for me cause of my phobias and anxiety pleased with myself for doing two nights in a row...although Bela has been a big help by staying on the phone to me until very late or rather very early in the mornings...talking to me to take my mind of the crap that runs through it all the really tierd today and betting B prob feeling the same after two nights of 3am phone calls...but I survived and even managed to aleep a little eventually.....had to barricade my door a bit but hey what the hell its a way of coping....if i went back on my medication it would prob be better and I would be better..but if i go back on it I am committing myself to a long term medicated state...not sure I want to do that again...will have to see if I can continue without them...I ahve been off them for a while now.....have some calming stuff that I take when its real bad but it makes me kinda hazy and not good so I dont take it usually....

Been spending lot of time online lately but my blog been playing up so will have to wait and see if it actually works this time...this is my thrid attempt to blog today!

Must go back to work....or at least pretending to work.....

In name and nature always:


Blogger emmajeans said...

I just drug myself up when I get anxious and hear noises. Mmm Stilnox.

8:51 AM  

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