Sunday, October 23, 2005

Farscape, procrastination and a return to the working drudge

Am sitting at home procrastinating from the enormous amount of uni work I have due this week...trying hard to write 4500 words on repatriation as well as a forensic crime report including skeletal and evidence analysis both of which are due on friday and worth the majority of my grades for the semester.......have writters block and still only written around 500 words!!! I think I am in big trouble.......

Watching season 1 of farscape which I borrowed from the video store thanks to D's video card.....hoping to get more work done soon as I need to sleep early tonight cause my boss rang and i go back to work tomorrow at 7.30 in the bloody morning...honestly there is nothing i feel less like doing at 7.30 in the morning than serving a bunch of uptight yuppies thier morning coffee fix.....still pays the bills...occassionally anyway....

Housemate still away so I have been trying the solo thing the last couple of nights..its hard when you have bad phobias and anxiety issues but I working with it...Bela been very helpful staying up late to talk on the phone to me till I too tierd to stay awake and fall asleep...feeling pretty sleepy today after two days straight of very late nights...imagine poor B is also feeling tierd and eager for my housemate to return...B offered to come stay with me but I feel that would be a bad idea given recent events....(see the will power and strength) Anyway guess I better get back to pretending to work...prob ring my occassional housemate/landlord later and check on his return status.... Wish my work was going better but honestly cant be stuffed with it and have nothing to write!!! GRRRR feeling very frustrated with uni right now.....

Oh yeah found a new juice...its good apple, carrot, orange and lemon...very it alot..wish I had a juicer to make fresh stuff everyday......

In Name and Nature always:


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