Thursday, October 27, 2005


Just came from lunch with James and his friend where I think my cranky mood and not so sweet disposition made a bad impression.....*sigh*...Oh well guess that can happen sometimes...I made stupid comments on a situation I dont kow the whole story about and that was daft...but sometimes I just get so confussed by peoples actions and behaviours that it makes me kinda defensive and nervous which makes me say and do stupid things....Things kinda intense at the momment...M is having a real bad time and that makes me sad cause I cant help, frustrated cause he wont let me help, and cross cause I have tred gentle and cant be honest about stuff with him cause that would just put more stress on him...and as you can tell I prob not the best person for treading gently.....*sigh*...talking alot to B lately and that nice but again it worries me cause I dont want to cause him more hurt than have already.....*sigh*.....Winnie got a trial at my work today and not sure how I feel about it...(sorry win)...hope it goes well cause she needs the boost and the money would be good...I just dont know if I want to work with people I love in a place I hate...its not a fun job and I dont want the stress of it to mess with my friendship...*sigh* very sad today and no real reason just that things getting a little too much for me thinking about going back on my medication...My mum thinks maybe I should if it will help...*sigh*....I miss my parents and looking forward to seeing them at some point this year.......Polly rang me last night and that was nice, christopher visited and mr flynn rang too so that was also good....awful warful lost a leg but will recover.....I have to go to class.


Blogger mellypop said...

If you wanted to know why, you could have just asked me. Danica used me and my boyfriend Treb for sex, repeatedly, and then told us she didn't want to be friends with us. So if we act like we're not her friends, then it's only because it was her idea. She also treated my dear and beloved only child like absolute crap, unbeknownst to me, to the point where my daughter actually had to ask me to do something to stop her. Her behaviour is appalling and unforgivable.

3:33 PM  
Blogger mellypop said...

Also, I don't know you, so I'm not trying to be rude, I think I've met you once, my daughter says you are nice enough. Next time you got a problem with me, you come talk to me. my email is my other contact details are on and you can always ask James how to get in touch with me. There is absolutely no reason at all that you would need to be saying mean shit about me behind my back to two of my closest friends.

4:02 PM  

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