Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wow well alot has happened....update time

Ok well firstly i guess is the news that i got a new house..hooray...i now love with mark, alex and miss dan...it is fantastic and so far i am loving every day....we just got our broadband hooked up so yah non-stop interweb access...this makes me a very happy but very tierd girl...will prob get worse once my comp is upgraded and i can play wow.....Um still not back at uni and still no closer to choosing topic to complete masters...will defer again.....am still saving the world one shoe at a time only now they have decided that the new shop i am currently 2ic in no longer requires a full time manager so it will be just me most of the time with a weekly visit from another stores manager to fix any of the significant things i may cock up in the absense of supervision......Matt is still away...yes it has been a long time...no i have no idea if or when he will return...and no thanks i dont want to talk about it....other than to say i miss him and am frustrated...also oddly am begining to find other men attractive....lack of physical contact is beging to stress me...ha ha ha...*sigh*....

In other news it is my birthday this saturday....am planning some kind of event just a little sketchy as to minor details like where and when and all that jazz....plus am debating on a visit to my family instead of party here so will let you know...well those of you i am inviting anyway...those planning to attend regardless of lack of invitation i just ask that you come bearing appropriate tokens of birthday cheer.....

cant think of anything else i particually want to write...had a bad week....dear family friend died ont he same day as an uncle of mine...missed out of my family friends funeral and had to hear second hand that another special friend is having a baby with a girl i have never met *sigh* I am happy for him just feel a little sad cause it makes me feel left behind if that makes sense...but enough on these things dont want to make myself depressed again..........

am physically healthyish despite having some serious fat day issues....apparently i have lost weight but i do not believe it and every morning suffer that breif momment of panic in which i think should i leave the house looking this way i am sure to be mistaken for a pastry donut advertisment.....*sigh*.......ah well such is life.....by the way if you read this and then decide it would be funny to deliberately confuse me with a giant pastry advert be warned i have a mean right cross.....



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