Saturday, April 01, 2006


Hi everyone, James and Gavin just spent hours playing with my computer and trying to make it work properly so I figured I had better blog to show my appreciation.....
Life is up and down...I am well, work is going ok, and am very happy with Matt...except for the minor issue of him now living two states away in brisbane....for an indefinate period of time....very sad...he had to go...miss him...worry alot...wish he were here or I was there....but am happy with him and me......anyway thats the situation it sucks but I am trying like hell to focus on other things like work (ha ha), uni (ha ha ha Oofhg.. Sorry just fell off my chair) and maybe moving sometime looking for a big house to share with miss dan, mr mark, and mr alex...should be great times ahead..but have made it clear that if there is no broadband I am not broadband is the only thing that could tempt me away from my current house and wonderful housemate Gavin...carpet would also be appreciated...and ofcourse heating goes without saying :) winter is coming on again and the days are getting chillier....finding the thought of heading north to brisbane very appealing.....wondering too alot how it was I ended up in Canberra and what it is that keeps me here.....I think the people have a lot to do with it....I may have only known them for a short period of time but they have become such an importent feature in my world...they are wonderful and I am constantly surprised by them and their friendships....yes I am talking about you Dan, Win, Alex, James, Mark, Bela, Adrian, Gavin, and ofcourse my personal favorite Matt ;) Combine these people with the people I already knew here like the amazing Christopher and his band of merry men (and women) and I get a bit of an idea as to why it is I am still here even with the weather turning nasty again...........
Well thats about it...there are many other wonderful people who did not personally get a mention...I do love you and thank the stars for your friendships everyday but prob did not see you lately and thus thoughts of you have been pushed out my ears...or possibly I was distracted by something shiny the moment I was about to type your name :)
Take care and I will blog again soonish.....if the computer sere only shinier :)


Blogger eolh said...

It sure is an effort getting that machine to work reasonably. all that anti-techno voodoo you have. But Gaving and I will prevail. One day we will have our revenge.

Be well, Katie!

11:11 AM  

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