Tuesday, February 21, 2006

stuff and things

well things are going pretty good...am being contracted at work as 2ic at the new store the hours are going to be alright and i like the manager so that will be good, possums being a pain again lately but i will survive...car is going great except for a brief spell of burning engine things which the mechanix inform is not a good thing but that is fixed now so here is hoping all will remain well...health wise i am ok exhausted alot and kinda off my food but it will pass...M is great although i suspect he is far too pretty for his own good :) finaly got his birthday presents sorted out after much amusment and meeting some very unusual individuals...more on that story later...parents are good i miss them but they sound happy and enjoyment full so that is a bonus...have not spoken to my sisters lately but will endevour to remedy that soon..ish...i am soo bad at telephoning people :) all else ok...cant complain and that is blessing...feeling happy and also kinda surprised by that....got an extremely cool new belly jewlery with dice on it...M bought it for me when we went to get his butt tattooed on valentines day...hee hee it was such a great night...dinner, drinks, flower and then body art...perfectly suited to him and me :)
well that about sums up things and stuff for now...hope everyone is good and will promise to catch up with those of you i have been neglecting soon....james are we gaming on fri cause i may have to leave earlyish...also is it at yours or claires etc you know me i never check boards to buzz my phone and let me know :)



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