Thursday, November 03, 2005

Today...Bones....and New Socks

Today was better I did no uni work but got all the errands I was supossed to do done...snaps for me I feel ;) Hung with B in the city whilst doing was had....saw my boss...less fun but am hopeful things will improove on that front one day soon...either with me getting a different job or just maybe a new personality...either will do....did my banking, bought some stuff I probably should not have but what they.....bought Hex good show.....bought new bra which Bela was very upset I would not try on for him.....bought new socks x3 pairs.......umm of yeah and a pretty summer skirt...for this muggy weather.....wanted to buy second comming on dvd but nowhere was playing.....evil places new I should have bought it ages ago when I last saw it in stock....prob wont get it now till next year...Grrrr....thats such an awsome show.....not much else....Oh wait yeah went to uni printed report and handed it in, picked up my last piece of assessment and I got a D...(for those unsure thats very good)...hooray for me....also my master (assuming I get in) supervisor emailed me to tell me there is some stuff I might want to do in New Zealand next year and I should email the chicky at the uni I await response and further details......played sport tonght...netball...other team forfeited and thus we continue our unbeaten streak...7 weeks or something played anyway against a mix and adhoc team...they beat us by three points but had fun anyway..was shooting really bad in this game....usually I not too bad...not great but dont usually suck soo much....played centre for a quater and that was fun...if my team were less competitive I be a bit more likely to play different areas and expand...but I feel bad when I feel like they loose cause of me.....nevermind...nextweek different game!

Watched Bones tonight...well the first two episodes..Simon gave them to me....WOW they really messed Tempe up....the only thing this chick has in common with the books character is her name....they turned her into a young kennedy want a be with red hair and a truely lame ex husband...oh yeah took about oooh 15years of her age, changed her background and life story, made her drink when she is supossed to have been an ex alcholic.....oh yeah and took her daughter away cause really this chick prob not old enough for a 18-20 year old daughter.......I was very surprised that kathy reich signed off on it....still it has david boreanaz in it *sigh* at least even if he cant act he is cute to look at.....have asked jimmy to keep getting the show for me cause despite all the crap...and there is alot it is not often that tele hs a show about an anthropologist...lets face it we dont get much limelight...maybe this will help....i suspect not...her character has gone from a well rounded easy to like brillent woman to a highly unlikeable and uninteresting girl........


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