Friday, November 04, 2005

Retail therapy, Jobs in Qld, and a Single Stripe....

Today was a bit of a strange day...phoned Matt at work cause he was still ignoring my calls on his mobile....he hung up on me...I now officially feel like shit......messaged him with a threat that if he failed to deal with this like an adult I would childishly come to his workplace and create a scene....he replied to my message reassuring me that I would get my dvds back...he seems to think thats what I care about....and that seeing him would not help me unless I wanted to yell and he did not want to be yelled at.....I replied saying I could care less about my stupid dvds, had not wanted to yell at him till he hung up on me, and that he was being a coward and cut the crap out and talk to me....nothing......I feel like such a fucking idiot......went shopping with winne to feel better......bought more stuff I dont need but at least it is shiny.....seem to be going under the idea that after this week I will have no more money so I should enjoy having it now......kept enough for rent and bills so at least I not totally daft...with money anyway.....

Found a job I really want and surprisingly enough have exactly the right degree for and guess what its at townsville...can you believe it...I will do my application this week...I will call them and beg for the job as I have never wanted o go home so much in my life.....screw this damn town and the bastards in it....well ok not everyone is eveil but I just miss my family and this is a good I want...would enjoy and am qualified for.....its a sign.......

Finally got the courage to take another test and determine what was going on with my body....test came back negative....single stripe thankfully...I remain not pregnant...Hooray...although this does mean I am fat for no other reason than I am too lazy and eat way too much crap :(...hmmm Oh least when I fall down my ass prevents me from breaking any bones :)



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