Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Proud owner of a chicken hat...and another job offer

Well this is slightly late but have been working hard this week and thus too tierd to blog.....on sunday I went to the markets to purchase two chicken hats....in case you have never encountered a chicken hat before above is a picture to demonstrate why it is that when i first saw them both danica and myself exclaimed "my life will never be complete until i own a chicken hat"
Any way I bought the one above modeled so elegantly by me and another one exactly the same but with a green chook atop it instead of red/pink.....danica and i will wear them to the madhatters ball on saturday evening.....i feel they are appropriate for any ocassion but realise i may be alone in this belief........when i went to get them they were dearer than i remembered them being...i said to the lady oh I thought they were less" she said no they were always this price and that she barely made a profit from them and that it was a bargain price for a chicken hat........i kid you not........then when i saw the style of the ones i bought (new style same concept) i said "oh these are great..i like them better than the straw ones"....she replied "yes they are elegant...the colours are sutle"......I ofcourse thought she was joking and replied "yeah" *laughing* "as sutle as you can be with a chicken on your head"
She glared at me and said "what?" I replied "nevermind"...the conversation gets better....she asked what i wanted them for...i sadi to go to a ball....she thought i meant an actual ball and asked about our gowns and suggested that these were a much finer compliment to them than the straw ones and that we would look lovely........It was scary how much this women likes chicken and feels it to be an elegant statement to wear one on your head!

So thats the chicken story...crazy stuff....Dan says it all reminds her of Duckman and I totally agree :) "what duck?"

Now to the new job offer...whilst awaiting the chook ladies final ouches on our masterwork hats i wandered around the markets...and ofcourse ended up at the stall entitled "all things chocolate" where i met a wonderful woman who makes her own delicious chocolate goodies from scratch...she is planning to open her a chocolate/coffee/food store just after christmas and has invited me to work for her perminent part time...as a bonus she will teach me the wonders of creating chocolate goodness....*my ass is screaming mercy and please no*........she assures me that learning to make it is the best diet you can go on cause you get sick of it......i feel this is a challenge that must be responded to :) so anyway she will call me over the next couple of weeks and we will talk about what i/she wants from the situation...she is lovely lady even if i dont work for her will definetly hang around her store alot.........

Well bed for me cause must work again tomorrow and i am tierd stiff from todays crap shift...with mean yuppie who tried to get me sacked ...will save that story for another day...if i remember..



Blogger Polysemous said...

Birds of a feather...

1:42 AM  
Blogger Polysemous said...

I had a cassowary on my hat last week, now you've got a chicken on yours. Is this bird flu? Beware of a sudden, irresistable urge to crap on someone's windscreen.

1:43 AM  
Blogger eolh said...

I am disturbed by such imagery mentioned above.

9:31 AM  
Blogger jinx said...

hmmm yes well that explains the sudden love of carparks...must remember to try to control desire...althought there are many in this charming city upon whose car windscreen i would gladly crap :)

5:12 PM  

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