Saturday, November 05, 2005

Dangerous Wayfarers and Dodgy Light Fuses

Was awake till about 4am cause I could not sleep..then got woken up at 9.30ish to play Dangerous Wayfarers game which was awsome as usual....then later in the afternoon after game when we were ready to wrap it up we discovered that all the fuses for the lights in our house have gone...we had a grand total of one lamp till we traveled to james house to pinch one of we have two...and a tele....James and Katarina came here and we ate bad chicken and chips dinner whislt watching the final disc in series 7 of Buffy...up to the last episode now and Kat is sleeping on the coach, Gavin on the other and James on a big cushion.....

Feeling really sooky today....was very wishing for cuddles from someone and sooky snuggling....*sigh*....sometimes I hate the complications of the heart.....wish sometimes that it could be easy and that snuggling was always available on demand.........*sigh*.........thats what was always good about Jay....cuddles and stuff were always ok despite anything that was going on we managed to keep our friendship and the physical comfort seperate and on a different level to anything else.......I miss him and the friendship we shared......I am so sad about the loss of my friendship with Matt........despite everything we have alwasy managed oer the last 9 months to keep our friendship straight....we somehow managed to stay connected on that level even when things were crap in every other way.........Now he is walking away from that without seeming to care about the loss.....I feel hurt that all the other stuff was enough to make the friendship less important....*sigh*...anyway thats enough of feeling like crap......He seems to want me to forget him...maybe thats best for everyone....if I was not in it his life would be smoother.....(see we can both play the matyre card "better off not knowing me") But joke as I do...I joke cause it hurts...cause maybe he is right...cause maybe I would be better off....I am sure he will be better off without the complications of me in his life and the needy sooking that comes with me.....I am sadened by this as I would have liked to have known he was on my side during my life and the problems I am dealing with.....

No more talk about that *rubs hands*

Job application for Qld Museum position going well....hope to finish it this weekend...then must do essay as it is way past due........hmmmm should do that now......As james notes I have two blogs this and another usually I just type shortened version ofthoughts into my LJ and longer into Blog tonight however to save time I will copy and paste the fun words of my thoughts into both....ha ha...I am brillent....I have two cause some people read one and others read the LJ....LJ not open to all so occassionally has more private thoughts...and no I dont necessarily mean bitchy thoughts in it.....


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