Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The simple things.......

Today's blog is mostly a happy one, had a good day and a fun game tonight so I am feeling pretty good. I survived the stupid things I did on the weekend and started uni again today not too far behind in the work that is due, I emailed everyone I had been negleting and even spoke to some of the people I have been avoiding. Days like today make things that little bit better even though it started out pretty badly. I woke up late after a yucky dream, where I was traveling across country with my ex and his new girlfriend not my idea of a great time, in the dream he was still being kind of intimate with me but only in like a teasing tormenting way, then he would be with her in front of me! It was so real I woke up crying with my heart beating fast and feeling like hell. I am amazed that the rest of the day went so well given how it started, I am taking that as a good sign of my hearts pending recovery. Well should stop procrastinating now and return to doing some work for tomorows classes, hope everyone who reads this is having a goof night, good bye and goodnight.


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