Friday, May 19, 2006

mellow moods, coffee and breakfast at tiffany's....

Today has been a mixed emotions day....went and got a spare tyre from the wreckers, went to the mall and got my nails done (how incredibly girly) as a birthday treat to myself, my beautiful big sis Leonie sent me card and some money to treat myself with so I also bought the first season of coupling on dvd (it was on sale)....

was feeling down and mellow cause still no word from matt....i am angsty and scared that he will forget my birthday.....its been over a week since i last heard from him and he is not answering his in an effort to cheer me Liam my local friendly coffee legend made me a fine coffee (on the house) and put breakfast at tiffany's on loudly in the centre of the mall and sang it with worked well...i was cheered....feeling stressed about dinner tomorrow night....worried i will cry or something stupid and wreck the evening for everyone else...although a few of my friends have failed to respond to the invite and some are bailing so at least if i do behave appallingly there wont be that many wittnesses.....still too many to kill discretely but prob not enough to really worry about....ah the retreat into humour...or something that resembles it vaguely......

Am listening to music (utterly depressing stuff) and contemplating what to do now.....think i might ring my sis and thank her...she generally makes me feel better.....will call family later although i expect i will get a call from them tomorrow....missing them alot.....they always make the world seem a better friends do too just in different ways...there noone like family :)

well thats it will prob update as to how dinner went at some point...or else will avoid the subject entirely which will inform you that it went shit :)



Blogger eolh said...

Dinner went good.

1:46 PM  

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